Sunday, June 17, 2007

Here goes nothing...

I would like to officially state for the record. Nicole is feeling good, Nicole is feeling happy, Nicole is ready for the next step and Nicole is back with better than ever!

Whoo Hooo!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Showdown.. 10 paces then draw!

When is this silly showdown ever going to end?

Its amazing after trying so hard to get someones attention it starts to back fire on you and you start trying to get your own attention back.

Crazy how things turn upside down in a fraction of a second and make you question yourself and even though you know in your heart you haven't done anything wrong, it can never be communicated properly to convince.

I hate the fact that I have been stripped of my self worth at the moment, the shoulder that I have known to lean on is gone and I'm left standing alone again.

Will this imprudent showdown ever come to an end? Or is it time now to wave that white flag.