Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Thanks for coming...

I revoke my last post.. If it wasn't so much effort I would delete it. The hurdles have over powered me and now I'm left thinking, now what is the point of documenting anything and everything as there is always someone around the corner to fuck it up.

I feel another showdown coming on, reserve your tickets now, its going to be the event of the year.

Everything is not fine!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Im in trouble..

As daunting as the title may sound..I am in a good type of trouble and I'm heading straight for it with a smile on my face.

Challenges are the exciting focal point at the moment, trying to dodge hurdles and obstacles that are set by meaningless people in my life. Instead of the sweating the small stuff I'm using it all to my advantage. I'm loving it.

I know its confusing, but for once in a very long time I actually see the sense out of it and more importantly learning from it.

With my birthday slowly approaching I feel a new level of maturity coming and with that comes more responsibility and better judgement and all I can think is well its about time.

I want so much at the moment, I want everything stepped out in my future and I must admit, I never thought of the good old 5 year plan but its starting to come together and totally achieveable.

Now by saying that my head is finally out of the clouds I still have a few stupid attributes, like its 330am and I'm sitting in front of the computer doing this... mind you, thanks to Doug who messaged me half an hour ago, which scared the life out of me as I was snoozing on the lounge..hahaha.. but regardless its silly that I'm still online.

OK back to my long winded blurb on self discovery... I still feel good.. I think if I was drawing a pie chart I think it would consist of 1/3 of an escape from my old life by starting new, 1/3 my beautiful girls and 1/3 Doug, which is funny because the whole lot has always been there but every part now is so important and so dear to me that I'm not going to let it go..

Well that's about it from me for now.. now for all you 12 stone fans (yes I know I'm the only one here whoohooing) their new album comes out on the 19 August, and their new song just to be released.. 'lie to me' and it is one of their best!!

ciao xxx