Friday, September 23, 2005

Closure.... going, going, gone....

Ah closure.. the means to an end...
Why does it feel so good when you attempt to set closure, but when all is said and done, closure is the only thing that haunts you.

I believe that to end something is to replace it with something else, meaning no closure necessary. Whether that is the denial side of me coming out, but filling your life with trivial bullshit does make the more hurtful serious things fade into the background.

My message in my last post was me trying my hardest to attack closure face to face, and unfortunately Im feeling like im hyperventalating. breathe nicole breathe.


Ive changed alot today because of all this closure needed in my life, even though they are minor changes...... I cut my hair, took a huge walk, sat in the garden and listened to the silence, smiled as big as i could... So in a way making these changes is a good ploy to learn dealing with closure. closing my misery and starting fresh.

Are you confused now.. maybe thinking Im a little crazy, well maybe so but arnt we all???


At 9:26 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

Absolutely not mad! I know where you are comming from. It`s actually refreshing to hear of someones closure in such a way you have done here.
Well written Nicole!


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