Sunday, April 30, 2006

Crap, crap and more crap..

Today was a huge turning point, where I have realised that I don't have an inspirational bone in my body. I don't know if you have done a random blog search here, but I did and realised that I don't have a selling point, apparently everyone needs one around here.

Sad but true, that you need to sell yourself, give your readers a huge story to make a point. I don't have that. I slowly dribble here and there giving no real insight into anything, just telling it how it unfolds.

Maybe I should make this page into a purely fictional page full of glamour and extremely tall stories.

I've had my two cents worth, and now that I have established that this post is nothing out of the normal I guess I haven't lost anything but gain nothing as well.. hahhaha

Ciao xx

Monday, April 17, 2006

My little girls..

My little Angels.. or devils (pending on the day)

Me :)

I thought since I have told you everything about me.. I haven't ever put my mug on here.. So here it is.. (not a bad pic considering my 5 year old took it).

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I've been caught out.. There isn't any big news, it was a desperate attempt at attention.. I was starting to get a tad lonely floating around the blog world without anyone to join me.

Unfortunately I have dealt my own hand in this little dilemma because my sporadic posts here and there, which have been filled with basically crap, self righteous crap at that.

There has been a lot of self surveys floating around at the moment and I thought for a second of putting one on here, but maybe I will fill out a survey for myself.

Name- Nicole
Age- 27 going on 40
Where I live- Canberra ACT Australia
Job- I live in Canberra so of course Im a public servant.
Children- two of the most beautiful girls in the world.
Hobbies- Does work and kids count for a hobby?

that's about it.. My life in a nut shell..LOL..

Anyway.. Hopefully the next post I put on, might have something exciting in it. Maybe the sky will be falling, I could have a lottery win, or maybe I could make up something that will make you go wow Nicole that's cool..LOL

I hope the Easter bunny finds you in the morning! I must admit I hope he doesn't find me.. I know my hips so don't need the chocolate.

Nic xx

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Watch this space

News is coming! Big news at that!