Sunday, April 30, 2006

Crap, crap and more crap..

Today was a huge turning point, where I have realised that I don't have an inspirational bone in my body. I don't know if you have done a random blog search here, but I did and realised that I don't have a selling point, apparently everyone needs one around here.

Sad but true, that you need to sell yourself, give your readers a huge story to make a point. I don't have that. I slowly dribble here and there giving no real insight into anything, just telling it how it unfolds.

Maybe I should make this page into a purely fictional page full of glamour and extremely tall stories.

I've had my two cents worth, and now that I have established that this post is nothing out of the normal I guess I haven't lost anything but gain nothing as well.. hahhaha

Ciao xx


At 8:45 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

That is just crap nic.Sorry to put it so bluntly( we are aussies after all). I disagree.The blog is there for whatever reason one chooses.We are largely annonymous across this medium,so it is therefore difficult to be able to acsertain what ones motivations are for keeping their space.Im attracted to yours because often what you choose to document leaves a lasting impression and I can at times relate to the emotion expressed in your choice of words.
Don't sell your self short.A story isn't needed to keep the momentum going,although I do see your point.
Get inside your self and let it go let it all pour like the water from your tap.You'll be suprised what may be revealed.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Iain Dughlais said...

la la la, nothing is here...

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Iain Dughlais said...

I think I'll just stop checking this place


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