Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Its been awhile, how have you been?

What a glorious day here in Canberra today, the sun is shining, not a cloud in sight and yet Im sitting at my desk at work witnessing this all through a heavly tinted window.

Oh well an hour and bit to go and then home time for nicole.

I thought I would put poem to fill the space today (would like to claim it as one of mine but sadly its not) Enjoy,

Fragments of the world appear:
a blue-white streetlight hovers near;
a shifting, sandaled foot scuffs oiled wood;
the scent of tea and black caffeine corrupts the air like unseen fog.
Blind people flip through Vonnegutand architecture magazines. I laugh.
In such a place where people findsimplicity in ordered words,
the sheer verbosity in all those bookscame from a pool of ink that really isn't big at all.
That is, unless you consider that ink it is, then it's a lot.
Added to that, varieties of addictive beverages, of reading styles and friendly conversations,and all should make this place, in fact, the anarchist's nightmare, the church chaos gets headaches in.



At 9:48 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

Nicole sits behind tinted window and overlooks short man 'Howard' as he runs our nation into the ground..lol! Im just cynical today.
The poem you posted was interesting...thankyou.

At 5:57 AM, Blogger charles blunt said...

What a cruel world your working and can't go out side and the weather is beautifull. I am sitting around dying to go outside and its cold an rainy .Oh well can't win them all .


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