Sunday, October 16, 2005

Tick a box, wait in line.. Hey while your here, join the club..We have jackets.

What is it at the moment with the blanket of sadness upon the world.
Why is the little things in life, hurting, killing and destroying everything in its path?
I want to take a deep breathe and hear everyone around me do the same thing, but unfortunately it never will happen.
I was thinking today, while driving my car if I stopped my car smack bang in the middle of the road, what would the reaction from people be? Would they stop and see if I was ok? Would they show any concern? Of course not, they would shout obscenities, honk the horn and speed past mumbling that I have taken 5 seconds away from their miserable life. Its scary that this generation are more selfish, angry and bitter with anything and everything in their lives.

I look at my two beautiful little girls and I wonder whether generation will wake up and learn to accept, love and succeed in personal goals than destroying each other and themselves. I know this sound absolutely terrible but I pray that things will change because the world is starting to turning back on us, earthquakes, tidalwave major storms and then to make matters worse wars and hatred seem to be the new modern trend.

Anyway, unfortunately I'm not writing anything new, and I'm not a preacher, just a concerned friend, sister and mother venting my disbelief.

Ok happy note.. Thankyou to all the new people commenting on my blog page, thankyou for your kind words, and you are all very much welcome around here anytime.


At 2:28 AM, Blogger ProV1 said...

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At 10:16 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

Nicole.. you know what, I agree with all you have said here unfortunately we are living in a culture of fear. We smother our children and keep them very near us because of the climate of these miserable times. Media must take responsibility for a large part in that because most of what they report is human misery!

You know im hooked on your blog mate ;)


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