Saturday, June 24, 2006

Listen up kiddies, the letter of the week is D.

The letter of the week is D.

Dumb- More people are theses days
Denial- That obviously I have loads of at the moment
Dementia- My Nanna just got diagnosed with
Doug- Who is starting to slowly forget about his aussie
Dirty- My house at the moment.. aghhh
Disgusting- The only word to describe my week
Dad- Yay he grew his moustache back.. Well done it just didn't look like you without it.
Devour- what I did to that chocolate bar yesterday, and still feeling the sickness..
Dumb- Sorry had to mention it again.. The world is full of them.
Daughters- The only thing in my life that can get a genuine smile out of me.
disease- That had my sister in a huge amount of pain the last couple of weeks.
Delighted- The way I will feel after a bottle of wine to knock me out for a few hours to try to achieve a bit of weak sleep.
Dead- This blog page..


At 10:46 AM, Blogger consise10 said...

D= dangerous way to think!
D= Definate
D= Descision
D= Desire
D= Delight

All the above + C= CHANGE

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Nic said...

Change is alway good..


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