Friday, October 28, 2005

I adore..

I love music... good music.. so today I thought I would list some of my favourite life changing tunes. I have also put those verses that make you tear up when you listen to them .. I love when a song grabs me like that..

Sorry to all those who don't like my choice in music but eh, there is plenty of other things to read on this site.. tee hee hee

Here we go (in no particular order):

Tuna in the brine... Silverchair (diorama Album)

'closer now then we ever have,
we are closer now then we ever should
we are closer than ever been before,
closer to everything.....'

Anywhere.... Evenescence (Origin Album - ps. have fun finding it.)

I've dreamt so long I cannot dream anymore
Let's run away, I'll take you there
We leaving here tonight,
There's no need to tell anyone,
They will only hold us down'

The way I feel... 12 Stones ( self titled album)
'cause I hate the way I feel tonight,
and I know I need you in my life,
yes I hate the way I feel inside,
I promise ill make the sacrifice.'

Downfall... Matchbox 20 (More than you think you are album)
'Lay it down
I've always been with you
Hear me now
With all that's within you
Be my savior and I'll be your downfall

Plush... Stone Temple Pilots (Core album.. The mighty STP!!)
'And I feel that time's a wasted go So where ya going to tomorrow?
And I see that these are lies to come So would you even care?'

My last breathe....Evanescence (Fallen or anywhere but home.. take your pick)
'closing your eyes to disappear,you pray your dreams will leave you here
but still you wake and know the truth,no one's there
say goodnight...Don't be afraid...calling me, calling me as you fade to black'

ok Last one.. lets make it a 12 stones one..

In my head... 12 Stones (Self titled album)
'Deep inside your eyes I am blinded by your love
Still I run so far just to find that
I'm alone again'

Well that's me done.. Have a lovely day...


Monday, October 24, 2005

Thankyou, you have come at the best time..

I have a friend, he is my best friend, we have known each other for years... an old Navy buddy, who seems to jump in and out of my life but is always there. Its one of those friendships that when you really need the perfect person to suit your situation, to give advise, lend an ear or just joke and muck around with he will be there.

And tonight he showed up...god bless his heart.

I always feel strong after talking to him, and for once in a long time he is hanging around for awhile, so if your reading this, you might actually see a positive Nicole for change.

Anyway.. thankyou Michael I love you lots.. (even though your an ord..tee hee hee)

Nic xxx

Friday, October 21, 2005

For Love or Money

I'm stuck at the moment.. Running around chasing my tail. I have work issues at the moment, and I am desperately trying to make up my mind and unfortunately I hit the same brick wall everytime.

Being in Canberra, of course for you aussies that stop past and have a read of my blog, the only jobs are basically public servant position, which is fantastic and opportunities are always around the corner to progress... and that's my dilemma.

I work for a wonderful department and get greatly paid for the work I do, I have awesome boss who for a nice change is family oriented which works in well with my life and my girls, but recently opportunity has come a knocking and I'm dealing with an issue of loyalty vs progression.

So if I take the loyalty road, yes the money pays the bills and a little left for luxuries, but mentally it is starting to get mundane.
Now flipping the coin so to speak, and taking the progression road, the money will be ample, the work would be challenging and more responsibility.

Confused... Idea's anyone.

I think Ill leave my work issues there..

Sunday, October 16, 2005

October ..GO AWAY.. bring on November!

I have been trying desperately to get my mind working to write something here tonight, and unfortunately everything that has come out is dribble.
So please bare with me if I start to slur and lose the plot a little.

My biggest problem at the moment is that I am procrastinating doing much needed work and all I want to do is sleep, enjoy my time off and think about the better things in life like my girls and watching them grow. I think I'm going through a slum where work and life seem to blend and it is not healthy. I think it must be an October thing.

I am these days trying to find a positive in things but I'm finding it harder and harder when you move one step forward only to be pushed back three, and more to the point watching good friends drowning in their own lives whether its money, sickness or mental stability cutting them down from strong willing people to almost empty shells.

Oh dear, I want to stop everything, sit and watch the nothingness around me, and bellow in the silence, then start everything again half the speed of what it was. I wish money wasn't always the issue, I wish I could fix the sickness that plagues the ones I love, and more importantly, I wish people could see how good they are inside and bestow the faith that they are as important as what people tell them regardless of the way they are feeling or what life is dealing them at the moment.

Well.. I don't know.. as I said before it must be an October thing..

*Yawn* I think I have dribbled enough tonight.. and should go to bed..

Nic xxxx

Tick a box, wait in line.. Hey while your here, join the club..We have jackets.

What is it at the moment with the blanket of sadness upon the world.
Why is the little things in life, hurting, killing and destroying everything in its path?
I want to take a deep breathe and hear everyone around me do the same thing, but unfortunately it never will happen.
I was thinking today, while driving my car if I stopped my car smack bang in the middle of the road, what would the reaction from people be? Would they stop and see if I was ok? Would they show any concern? Of course not, they would shout obscenities, honk the horn and speed past mumbling that I have taken 5 seconds away from their miserable life. Its scary that this generation are more selfish, angry and bitter with anything and everything in their lives.

I look at my two beautiful little girls and I wonder whether generation will wake up and learn to accept, love and succeed in personal goals than destroying each other and themselves. I know this sound absolutely terrible but I pray that things will change because the world is starting to turning back on us, earthquakes, tidalwave major storms and then to make matters worse wars and hatred seem to be the new modern trend.

Anyway, unfortunately I'm not writing anything new, and I'm not a preacher, just a concerned friend, sister and mother venting my disbelief.

Ok happy note.. Thankyou to all the new people commenting on my blog page, thankyou for your kind words, and you are all very much welcome around here anytime.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Its been awhile, how have you been?

What a glorious day here in Canberra today, the sun is shining, not a cloud in sight and yet Im sitting at my desk at work witnessing this all through a heavly tinted window.

Oh well an hour and bit to go and then home time for nicole.

I thought I would put poem to fill the space today (would like to claim it as one of mine but sadly its not) Enjoy,

Fragments of the world appear:
a blue-white streetlight hovers near;
a shifting, sandaled foot scuffs oiled wood;
the scent of tea and black caffeine corrupts the air like unseen fog.
Blind people flip through Vonnegutand architecture magazines. I laugh.
In such a place where people findsimplicity in ordered words,
the sheer verbosity in all those bookscame from a pool of ink that really isn't big at all.
That is, unless you consider that ink it is, then it's a lot.
Added to that, varieties of addictive beverages, of reading styles and friendly conversations,and all should make this place, in fact, the anarchist's nightmare, the church chaos gets headaches in.
