Friday, October 21, 2005

For Love or Money

I'm stuck at the moment.. Running around chasing my tail. I have work issues at the moment, and I am desperately trying to make up my mind and unfortunately I hit the same brick wall everytime.

Being in Canberra, of course for you aussies that stop past and have a read of my blog, the only jobs are basically public servant position, which is fantastic and opportunities are always around the corner to progress... and that's my dilemma.

I work for a wonderful department and get greatly paid for the work I do, I have awesome boss who for a nice change is family oriented which works in well with my life and my girls, but recently opportunity has come a knocking and I'm dealing with an issue of loyalty vs progression.

So if I take the loyalty road, yes the money pays the bills and a little left for luxuries, but mentally it is starting to get mundane.
Now flipping the coin so to speak, and taking the progression road, the money will be ample, the work would be challenging and more responsibility.

Confused... Idea's anyone.

I think Ill leave my work issues there..


At 10:03 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

I`d take the progression road Nic.Life is about change and growth in all aspects especially career.Many people stay with the one mob and become stale like the mugs they drink cofee out of every morning.
I don`t think great people stay stagnant in one position all their lives although the security and acceptance by peers in being in a position for a long time is also appealing- does it challenge you to be better?
Good luck... I hope I`ll be congratulating you soon Nic.

At 1:17 AM, Blogger Nic said...

Oh you are so right consise, and i think I am getting that stale and if Im second guessing my position at the moment, well I guess it is time for a change.
After reading what you wrote, its funny how much we all need the security and acceptance by peers it does factor so much into making the right choice, but at the end of the day, people are still going to be around and you always after a few weeks blend in like a piece of furniture. Thankyou consise for giving me some clarity.


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