Sunday, October 16, 2005

October ..GO AWAY.. bring on November!

I have been trying desperately to get my mind working to write something here tonight, and unfortunately everything that has come out is dribble.
So please bare with me if I start to slur and lose the plot a little.

My biggest problem at the moment is that I am procrastinating doing much needed work and all I want to do is sleep, enjoy my time off and think about the better things in life like my girls and watching them grow. I think I'm going through a slum where work and life seem to blend and it is not healthy. I think it must be an October thing.

I am these days trying to find a positive in things but I'm finding it harder and harder when you move one step forward only to be pushed back three, and more to the point watching good friends drowning in their own lives whether its money, sickness or mental stability cutting them down from strong willing people to almost empty shells.

Oh dear, I want to stop everything, sit and watch the nothingness around me, and bellow in the silence, then start everything again half the speed of what it was. I wish money wasn't always the issue, I wish I could fix the sickness that plagues the ones I love, and more importantly, I wish people could see how good they are inside and bestow the faith that they are as important as what people tell them regardless of the way they are feeling or what life is dealing them at the moment.

Well.. I don't know.. as I said before it must be an October thing..

*Yawn* I think I have dribbled enough tonight.. and should go to bed..

Nic xxxx


At 8:43 PM, Blogger ange said...

excellent blog! your descriptions of others and their woe's are down to a T. I agree that it must be an october thing!

At 8:59 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

Hello Nic.
Your post here is fascinating...I really love the words you chose to say what you said.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Nic said...

Thankyou :)


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