Monday, October 24, 2005

Thankyou, you have come at the best time..

I have a friend, he is my best friend, we have known each other for years... an old Navy buddy, who seems to jump in and out of my life but is always there. Its one of those friendships that when you really need the perfect person to suit your situation, to give advise, lend an ear or just joke and muck around with he will be there.

And tonight he showed up...god bless his heart.

I always feel strong after talking to him, and for once in a long time he is hanging around for awhile, so if your reading this, you might actually see a positive Nicole for change.

Anyway.. thankyou Michael I love you lots.. (even though your an ord..tee hee hee)

Nic xxx


At 11:51 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

Oh Nic it is great to hear you have such a precious friend, and that he brings out the best in you.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger ange said...

A good friend in need is a good friend indeed!


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