Thursday, December 15, 2005

Finding my way home..

I feel so lost, Ive strayed away and I can seem to find my way out.
Trapped under the barrier that has been put up by you.
Im stuck in my thoughts, scared to break free.
You have make things gray the sky is falling and there is no escape.

Mirages haunt me, twisting paths with no end, shadows that lurk around me.
Im closed, locked away, its suffocating, Im screaming your not listening.
that's right your not listening your covering your ears again,
The truth hurts, unlike the lies you have told which made you feel big and made me feel small.

I feel so dirty because of you, Im washing and its not coming clean,
It never will come clean, why did do this, why didn't I see this coming,
why am I telling you this, torn between you and nowhere, no where is an option im taking,
Lead me to self discovery, wipe my memories of you so I don't remember anymore,
there is no love, no passion, no you.

Cover those ears, I don't care anymore, I don't care since you broke my spirit,
toyed with my heart and stole my faith, no more, your gone,
even with those hands over your ears you heard me loud and clear, your gone,
No goodbyes because they turn to hello's, blank finish Im done.................

Now before you think Nicole has total wigged out, you can be reassured that I haven't.. There are times that you want to release all that built up passive aggressive energy, and I find that venting it in a remembered way like blogging actually helps me reflect and revisit down the track that things are ok, work ok and life in general is ok and also Im not having that baggage to take around with me.

One last thing, I know Doug you will be reading this and assume in some way this has something to do with you, it doesn't, not one part has your name hiding behind it, promise.. all smiles xxxx.

I feel so better now.. I fixed my thoughts and now Im off to the gym to fix the other parts of me.. agghhh..
Nic xxx


At 10:48 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

This is exactly why I love your Blog and expression nic. It`s cleansing to let it out. Well said!

To you and your little family nic..have a great Xmas and even better New Year in 2006. Take Care.

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Nic said...

Thankyou Consise, You too :)


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