Wednesday, November 30, 2005

2005... pfft!

Its amazing when you don't want it to rain, it pours, and you wish for silence, it becomes unbearably loud.. that basically sums 2005!
I apologise for not updating my blog, but unfortunately there has been some major emotional things happening.

I have a friend who was diagnosed with MS early on this year, and that was devastating.. and a couple of weeks ago my sister was diagnosed with the awful disease too.

Its had to get my head around all this misery, its hard to comfort the people around me as well as keep my own head above water.

2006 has to be better, it cant push the burden of 2005!

Anyway on a positive note, the Christmas tree goes up tomorrow, and the countdown to the best time of the year is upon us. I love the magical feel that Christmas brings, and I love the look of excitement of my little girls faces and that awesome smell of turkey on Christmas day...mmmm Turkey..

Well I'm going on leave soon (YAY no work) so you will see more of me around these traps.

Ciao.. xxx Nic


At 9:40 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

I`m real sorry to hear about all this fateful news nic. I hope next year will be better for you and your family, although sounds like it`s alot to come to grips with.
Looking forward to your future entries here...


At 11:28 AM, Blogger Nic said...

Thankyou for you kind words consise, Im praying that the black cloud hanging over 2005 will be pushed away by the birth of 2006!

:) nic

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Iain Dughlais said...

I would love nothing more than clear skies for you.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Nic said...

Doug, the sky is always clear when you are around... thankyou

*whispers* 'can I keep you?'


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