Friday, December 09, 2005

It Continues....

Why does everything have to be so cryptic? Who took away our rights and inhibitions to express ourselves freely?
When I want to say something why does it feel like someone is gagging me for silence?

'I can see you, the stars are shining'

As I read through my previous posts, I realised that Im the creator of my own grief, torturing myself by over thinking and under doing, and unfortunately I don't know how to fix that.

' I love you can I keep you?'

I think I don't need to give up caring as my previous post indicated, I think I need to focus on what is true and what is fake, I need to take a step back and tell the people that are so special to me that I appreciate them and how much they mean to me, be absolutely selfless, which would be nice because I feel like im drowning in my own selfishness lately.

'I hate the way I feel tonight'

Hopefully someone might hear my plea, un-jumble the mixed up mess that's inside my head...

I ask do the finer things in life always become dull? Do you say a word or do you stay silent? Do you dare step back into the ring of a defeated fight and try to fight back?Do you listen to everything or do you only hear what you want to hear?

' Please don't apologise, you have nothing to be sorry for'

What to say, what to say??? I have dribbled on like an incoherent buffoon tonight and when you scroll back through it I really did say much at all. I must admit though, I feel a little better (as she sighs**)

In times of need, through the pain, through the sadness I will be there, I have always been there... I love you and no one will silence me, you know who you are....


Nic xxx


At 5:41 AM, Blogger Iain Dughlais said...

Nicole I love you. Please come back into my life like before. I miss you more than I ever imagined. I let too much foolishness get in the way. But now that foolishness is undone. And I can see clearly, I gave up too much. I regret it so, becuase I was not trusted even though I deserve it. The only selfish bitch here is the one I just burried. :( Please speak to me.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Nic said...

I left a message on your blog... I feel bad for doing it, because you are in such a difficult position but I will reiterate that yesterday did happen but it is gone never to return and today is the start of new wonderful journey... You gave up things that you needed to at the time and I understand it was hard but I did understand.
Please wipe away your sadness and gleem that smile that lights a thousand cities, Im speaking to you doug, Im speaking loud and clear... I love you too and I never left..

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Iain Dughlais said...

Please take away the anonomyous
Let's not hide... the evil bitch is gone anyway, don't worry about it.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Nic said...

That is fantastic.. I am so angry about what she wrote about you but it is now over.

I need to talk to you.. I would give the world to hear a word out of your mouth.

Please smile I know I am.. Im so glad your back..

Nic xxxx

At 5:52 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

Your very poignant statement,and the spiel following:

'I hate the way I feel tonight'

Has really been some thing which I too have been feeling like lately. Life has all kinds of challenges and really is a trial to test and stretch us in directions which aren`t always favourable.It`s not always an easy ride,as I`m sure you know, but I guess at the beggining of a new day the sun always shines without fail.I am sorry I cannot say much more to be of any help to you.

I hope you find your way real soon and feel better. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here nic.

Take care and remember 2005 is almost gone!


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