Monday, December 12, 2005

Wipe your mouth your dribbling....

Why cant life be black and white? Cut and dry?

I'm not really in one of those rollercoaster moments where one day Im up and the next day Im down, but to be totally honest Im bored being in that gray area where anything goes..

I'm still feeling good and positive, but as per usual I want more. I guess that's human instinct.

Here comes the issue....wait for it, wait for it:

If somebody wants something, why do I need to be told an epic tale and then after they are finished why am I still confused on what they wanted in the first place?

Blurt it out people... Make it quick, really what's the worst thing I could say?

Oh well..

Smiles all around.

Nic xxx


At 9:54 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

Great point! I ask my self the same damm question nic. People just be straight forward!


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