Saturday, December 17, 2005


Whoa what a night.. I haven't had a bender like I did last night in a long long time... aghhh..
I think I drank enough to fill a swimming pool, I have sore feet from dancing alnight and got in to a few situations with work colleagues that was hardly professional... hahaha..

Oh well, it was a great night, and especially when your out celebrating Christmas.

Im going to put some pictures on for my last few posts for 2005 and then Im out of here for a little bit, but before I finish this I need to tell some people how much I appreciate them so here I go:

Tara and Alyssa (my beautiful little girls)
My angels, you two are growing up way too fast! Mummy loves you!

Kellie (my big sis)
So strong, so brave, I pray for you every day kell, that this awful disease leaves you.. You will be a beautiful March bride and next year will work out perfectly for you, promise.

Chris (aka ando, aka trev hahaha)
The little brother I never wanted! hahaha, Your the best trev, Fantastic night last night you pisshead but hey at least you did it with a Santa suit on... hahaha..

Michael (my best friend)
I love you to death Mick, through thick and thin your always there... your my rock.

Michelle (good friend)
Thankyou for all your help and support this year, good luck on Monday.

Mum and Dad ( I didnt forget you two)
The coolest people in the world.. Love you

Doug (Canadian rock star turned thespian)
Good luck with your new found love for life, enjoy the ride. You know where to find me if you need me.

I know there are so many more people that I haven't named, you are all so special to me and thankyou for all the support through out the year!!

Thank you to all of you who have left comments, Its great that my circle of blogging friends is growing rapidly and I look forward to telling more tales of Nicole in 2006.

Big hugs

Nicole xxx


At 6:44 AM, Blogger Iain Dughlais said...

Hope you are feeling better.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Nic said...

all self inflicted, aghh great night though.. thanks for your thoughts.



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