Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Blah blah blah

In the next couple of month I am having an operation to get some scars removed after a horrendous emergency caesarian with my first little girl. I will spend thousands upon thousands to have it done. Isn't funny that we don't blink an eye at the thought spending this type of money to make you beautiful on the outside, but but fixing the scars within comes with a price that you will never be able to afford but want desperately.

My thoughts at the moment are mixed, and confusing. Whether this is a good or a bad thing is yet to be decided but hopefully things will become clear soon.
Im trying to take off the jacket of 2005, but things keep popping up and unfortunately as much as I try I don't think its going to leave our presence as fast as I thought.

All this writing will probably make no sense what so ever to you, but if it does, can you put it all in 'oh thats right she is a blonde' terms and send it back to me.

I slugged it out in the gym this morning my body feels like it needs more exercise, I feel fat and frumpy and extremely lazy, but I think a huge contributing factor is that the heat in Canberra is almost unbearable and also being on leave from work and staying in home comforts makes a huge cocktail for being a sloth.

Anyway, there is suppose to be a full moon tonight, so cross fingers it will bring a change.

A little piece of me, is with you
reminding you of me,
Im with you always, a hug when you need it,
smile and shine bright,
I know you will and I love you.

Nic xxx


At 1:57 AM, Blogger Iain Dughlais said...


At 11:28 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

Hello. I hear you nic..and yes the heat can get unbearable,which is why I prefer to exersise at night, but that`s just my routine and I have been a little slack my self lately.I definately agree that the past isn`t as easy to put to rest even with all the positive thinking you try and execute nic.Also you might be blond but definately not the 'cliche' variety in my mind. Take care mate


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