Monday, January 16, 2006

It's written in the stars

It has become apparent that the mood for January is full of dreams and aspirations, but without having my head up in the clouds that reality floats away.

I needed an escape to paradise, an escape to a place with pretty white things everywhere, where the sun is shining and the people in the surrounds are smiling and being friendly. Oh dear, I just realised that sounds more like a mental institute than paradise... hahaha. But seriously I think I have found that, and I didn't have to look as hard as what I thought, It was sitting in front of me waiting patiently the whole time.

Downfalls are behind me finally now, and its time to step up, speak up and wave my hands frantically so people can see that the new and definitely improved Nicole is here and not leaving! I love that feeling, the feeling of triumph, overcoming my shortfalls and learning from my mistakes to build this utopia that I'm calling my life..

Escaping from bad habits and bad thoughts is one part of this year, Journeys to be had, parties to celebrate, stepping into phase two with my little girls and having the ability to make myself beautiful inside and out. Does it get any better than that??

I believe every piece of hazy sadness has a beautiful golden edge of hope and happiness and its taken me quite awhile to realise that but finally I can and it is shining across my face and sparkling in my eyes.

My new light airy side has also sparked a little passion to explore my darkside. I love the whole Rock gothic style of music and also the cool look of being an original rock chick. I know this might be a little suprising that this average blonde aussie has a bit of a rock darkside, but I must admit the look of someone like Amy Lee from evanescence is a look that I'm bringing into my corporate mumzie style just to spice it up a bit. (and Doug I haven't dyed my hair black... Well not yet anyway haha). I think with a great start to making me better can always have a little room for a few dark tweaks here and there.

Well unfortunately my useless post tonight has come to an end but I leave you with a poem that I stumbled on whilst looking through a few sites, cross fingers I don't step on any copyright toes.
Big hugs and sloppy kisses for all...
Nic xxx

Meet Me In The Starsby -By Paul Anthony Nierychlo
As I am saying good night at the end of the day,
And you are not here, but many miles away,
My heart is so empty and so lonely inside,
As I wipe away a tear I am trying to hide.

I close my eyes and try to go to sleep,
But with the sadness inside I begin to weep.
Suddenly I remember what you once said to me,
Just meet me in the stars, waiting for you I will be.

When distance tends to keep us apart,
Remember I still hold you near in my heart.
When the night together, can't be ours,
Just close your eyes and meet me in the stars.

Remembering those words, I begin to smile,
And gently close my eyes, lessening the miles.
I can see the stars, oh how beautifully arranged,
But you are not there, no hug to exchange.

I sit alone waiting, with hope in my heart,
No longer wanting to be kept apart.
Suddenly in the distance, a shadow appears,
A tear rolls down my face and the image is clear.

There is no question it is you that I see,
Waiting in the stars, just like you promised to me.
You hold out your hand as you become near,
And put it in mine saying, "I miss you, my dear."

Suddenly there's gentle music, filled with romance,
You gently pull me close, we begin to dance.
Just meet me in the stars, that is where I will be.
A special place in the stars just for you and for me.


At 6:02 AM, Blogger Iain Dughlais said...

Bring me to life. :)

At 1:30 PM, Blogger consise10 said...

I love the way you express your self nic and Im sure I have said that more than once in your space!
Every bit of what you write is so real to me, even on this largely annonymous medium. Best of luck for the journey you seem to be on and as for the 'darkness' isn`t that part of it all too ?

Beautiful poem... 'praise' to the author (-;


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